Does My Dog Need Heartworm Preventative Even If She Doesn’t Live Outside?

Yes, especially in Louisiana, all dogs need to be on heartworm preventative all year long. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos. And while mosquitoes are more of a problem during the summer months, you will still see mosquitos in the winter. Although your dog may live inside, all it takes is one infected mosquito to buzz into your home when you open your door to bite and infect your dog.
Heartworms can be deadly and is expensive to treat. Treating one dog for heartworm disease can cost anywhere between $600 - $1400! The treatment is painful and can be frustrating for owners, particularly if the dog is typically very active. In this case, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Speak to your vet about which heartworm preventative is best for you and your pet’s lifestyle. If your dog is up-to-date on her heartworm test, you can purchase your heartworm and flea preventatives from Bertrand Drive Animal Hospital’s new online store. Visit to shop online with us today!